Spader for mini tractor - Veurink earthworks
Spader for mini tractor from Veurink earthworks
The spader for mini tractor from Veurink crane rental and earthworks is a versatile machine for small soil tillage. Since the summer of 2022, Veurink has been using the Farmax ERP spader for their soil tillage. Veurink from Bruchterveld (The Netherlands) is a versatile company that specializes in crane rental and earthwork. Roelof Veurink; ‘In 2012, we started with one tractor, but the company has now grown to include several cranes and soil(tillage) machines for private private individuals and companies.’ We chose the ERP spading machine for our soil cultivation because it is very versatile and manoeuvrable on small plots.
Spader for mini tractor with harrow construction
Roelof: We mainly use this machine for customers in gardens, hobby meadows, roadsides and public gardens. We do this for both individuals and companies. We came up with this machine together with our supplier Erik Duteweert of MW machines. We also had previous experience with a Farmax spader, which suited us very well. That spading machine only didn’t had a crumbler roller. The one we currently have does have a crumbler roller, such a roller makes it very easy to recompact the top layer before sowing. This prevents the tractor from ‘sinking’ to much in the soil after spading when sowing.
We have also equipped our machine with scrapers so that the rotor stays nice and clean when we work on sticky soil, this prevents the machine from filling up with soil.
‘Ideal machine for small plots’
“The machine is very manoeuvrable on small plots, such as the one we are currently working on. This is a horse pasture for a private customer of ours. Here the top layer is milled, after which the ground is spaded to a depth of 45 cm. Immediately afterwards we sow the horse pasture again with our other tractor. For such purposes, the ERP spading machine is the perfect solution for soil cultivation.”
Watch the customer portrait of Roelof Veurink about his ERP spader
Interested in what the Farmax ERP spader can do for you?
View the product page of the Farmax ERP for more information about this spader. This spading machine can also be equipped with different Farmax rollers, combi scrapers and PTO’s. Please feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities.
Download the free magazine of Farmax spaders and seeders
In this magazine, we will explain the spading method of soil preparation and state its advantages in comparison with ploughing. There will also be a brief explanation of all types of spaders and several customers share their experience with our spaders.